State and District Assessments
DIBELS is a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of literacy skills. Students in grades K-5 take the assessment at least three times during the school year. A report will be sent home after each administration to inform parents how their child performed.
Parent Guide: A pdf explaining in more detail the assessment and what sections students complete in each grade level.
SBAC is a standardized assessment taken by all students in Connecticut in grades 3-8. The assessment is taken online once in the spring and students are assessed in the areas of math and English language arts (ELA). SBAC reports are sent home in the fall to inform parents of how their child performed.
SBAC Parent Guides by grade level
SBAC Interpretive Guide
SAMPLE Student Report
The NGSS assessment is a standardized assessment taken by all students in Connecticut in grades 5, 8 and 11. This assessment is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and is administered online. NGSS reports are sent home in the fall to inform parents of how their child performed.
NGSS Assessment Overview
NGSS Parent Guides by Grade Level (English and Spanish versions)
In Connecticut, all students in grade 11 take the SAT's in the spring during a school day. The test is now completed by students online and students will get their score from the school, or from an app that students can access if they choose. Students in grades 9-11 also take a version of the PSAT in the fall to practice for the spring assessment.
The IXL platform is used a variety of ways throughout the district in grades K-12. Students take a diagnostic assessment in math and English language arts within the platform three times a year to identify an individualized learning plan and analyze growth throughout the school year. Students also use the platform to focus on a variety of skills which align to state assessments and many of the programs used throughout the district in math and English language arts. Parents can view student assessment data, as well as progress being made by logging into their child's account.